• AI Support for Park Courses

    Helping Park faculty and students understand and effectively use AI

  • AI Resources @ Park

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    AI Policies & Syllabus Sample

    Below are links to Park University's catalogs, current university policies related to AI, and AI course and syllabi policy examples. Interested in discussing AI further? Contact one of Park's ACUE Certified AI Faculty.

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    Park Library's AI Page

    Do you find it challenging to keep up with the ever-evolving news about chatGPT and AI tools? Wondering how to leverage them responsibly in your courses? Check out the resources in this guide for up-to-date information, or schedule a meeting with a librarian for individual help.

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    Educating in the Age of AI SIG Resources

    Special interest group (SIG) content provided by FCI Teaching Fellow, Marina Layvand


    Explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence in all instructional modalities, and delve into the latest strategies, ethical considerations, and cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the future of learning and teaching.

    • Educating in the Age of AI Handout
    • SIG 1 Presentation (AI transformation; top 5 AI trends in higher ed; AI or human?)
    • SIG 2 Presentation (AI platforms explored; detecting AI writing; ways to spot AI writing)
    • SIG 3 Presentation (AI platforms' pros and cons; students' perspectives on using AI; Park's academic honesty policy and the use of AI; global AI policies; crafting your syllabus; prompt engineering; authentic assessment checklist; AI in assignment design; AI literacy courses)

    Perils & Possibilities of AI in Higher Ed: Part 1

    Watch this recording (to the left) as Park ITS and FCI shared the evolution of AI in academic settings, productive uses (and concerns) for ChatGPT today, and created a safe space for faculty to explore critical questions surrounding this disruptive technology in higher education today.

    Perils & Possibilities of AI in Higher Ed: Part 2

    Watch this follow-up discussion (recording to the left) of Perils & Possibilities of AI in Higher Education. Participants learned about the latest developments since the Spring 2023 conversation and heard from other Park faculty about their lessons learned while using the new disruptive AI technology in their own practice.

  • External AI Resources

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    Free AI Courses: From Beginners to Advanced

    Whether you are new to AI, have some knowledge, or are an AI expert, we encourage you to review Dennis Panjuta's (2024) compliation of 21 Free AI courses: From Beginner to Advanced on LinkedIn.




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    Intro to ChatGPT Course

    Intro To ChatGPT is the perfect ChatGPT training course for business professionals and students to stay ahead of this rapidly accelerating transformation. Learn how to harness ChatGPT to automate idea generation, write drafts, and clean data, all by following along with real examples! While currently priced at $199, this course is currently being offered for free.



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    The Art of ChatGPT Interactions Course

    Want to use ChatGPT but need some expert help?


    This course is designed to help you build the skills and confidence you need to get the most out of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.


    Under the guidance of AI expert Leo Lo, you’ll master the art of prompt engineering, deepen your understanding of how ChatGPT works, and learn how a systematic approach can help you get better outcomes.

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    Successful Use of ChatGPT in the Classroom Series

    ChatGPT is an AI-based technology with a vast range of potential waiting to be explored. These five (5) modules, tailored to both instructors and students, are designed to enhance classroom teaching and learning.

    • Successful Use of ChatGPT in the Classroom Series, Developed by Burak Senel and Offered by Sage
      • Module 1: Exploring ChatGPT in Research and Education
      • Module 2: ChatGPT: A Faux Scientist or a Promising Tool for Science?
      • Module 3: ChatGPT in Action
      • Module 4: ChatGPT's Growing Role in Education
      • Module 5: ChatGPT-Enhanced Learning
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    215+ ChatGPT Prompts & How to Write Your Own

    In this Writesonic blog, Ghosh (2024) provides a guide filled with strategies over prompt engineering in addition to ChatGPT prompts for various use cases (e.g., prompts for business, writing, education, resumes, fun, and more). "If you are at your starting days or have been using it for some time but have never found ChatGPT responses useful, this blog is for you" (Ghosh, 2024, para. 2).



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    AI Information Literacy Modules

    Developed by the University of Maryland's University Libraries and Teaching & Learning Transformation Center (n.d.), the AI and Information Literacy modules will teach you how: AI based-tools work, to assess content, to cite correctly, and to level up.



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    Resources for AI and Higher Ed Instruction

    Washington & Lee University's Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning (2024) provides a comprhensive list of AI resources for higher education. From understanding what gen AI is and recognizing its biases, to creating AI policies and using AI in teaching and learning, to following podcasts and newsletters, this list is a great starting place for faculty looking to further explore AI.

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    Why All Our Classes Suddenly Became AI Classes

    Explore gen AI strategies for teaching and learning as Mollick and Mollick (2023) discuss crafting AI policies for courses, share a sample AI policy, and encourage faculty to use and embrace AI in their courses.


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    The Practical Guide to Using AI to do Stuff

    In this blog, Mollick (2023) provides tips for students on how to productively use AI (e.g., writing, creating images and ideas, learning, and more). Mollick also explains the built-in biases of AI and how to effectively use prompt engineering.



  • ACUE Certified AI Faculty Cohort

    Contact us! We're here for you.

    Image of Sandra Abbey



    Image of Amber Dailey-Hebert



    Image of Jamie Els



    Image of Lacey Finley



    Image of Stacey Kikendall



    Image of Tracey Kracht



    Image of Emily Sallee



    Image of Alexander Silvius



    Image of Alivia Zubrod

