• Apply to the Teaching Innovation Fellows Program

    Collaborate - Innovate - Share

    The Teaching Innovation Fellows Program allows faculty to deeply explore strategies to improve their teaching practice, student learning, or faculty culture at Park University. Applicants are encouraged to select a topic of interest in one of the three categories below:
    • Teaching: radical innovation, pedagogical reimagining, or the future of learning and working
    • Learning: student success, student retention, or improved student learning outcomes
    • Culture: fostering faculty culture for women, underrepresented groups, or building an engaged faculty learning culture
    Selected Fellows will participate in an external certification that includes engagement with new resources, activities, and a network of faculty to learn about innovative practices and build an SoTL project to present or publish. They will explore their chosen topic in their own practice and facilitate a Special Interest Group (SIG) in the Park faculty community.


    Three Teaching Fellows will be selected each spring to serve during the following academic year. All interested faculty (full-time, adjunct, distance, etc.) are invited to apply.
  • AY 2023-2024 Application

    Thank you for your interest in the FCI Teaching Innovation Fellows program. Applications for the AY2023-24 Teaching Innovation Fellows have closed. Please check the Teaching Innovation Fellows webpage late Spring 2023 to see who has been awarded a fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year.

  • Teaching Fellows Application Information

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    Why Apply?

    Becomea thought leader and practitioner of innovative teaching practices!
    • Fellows Stipend Award of $2,000  
    • External Certification Program for Innovative Practices (ACUE/Gardner/Coursera/Etc.) 
    • Support to build an SoTL project towards presentation or publication
    • Collaborative knowledge sharing sessions within a faculty community (special interest group)
    • Award and recognition (including a letter of distinction, certificate, and digital badge)  
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    Program Overview

    As a Teaching Fellow, you will get to:
    • Have access to a self-paced external certification toward your development  
    • Join a network of innovative practitioners focused on teaching and learning 
    • Share your learning and innovative practices within the Park community
    • Contribute to your professional CV with a collaborative SoTL project
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    Evaluation Criteria for Applications

    Completed via blind peer review

    1. Topic: rationale for a timely and relevant topic in one of the three categories.
    2. Interest: 150 words or fewer on interest in the program and rationale for applying. 
    3. Impact: how the certification will impact your students and teaching practice.
    4. Connection: One potential idea for an SoTL project to share what you learn.